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We have significant case studies and teaching notes at your disposal in Spanish and English, including all types of Spanish and international leading companies.

Evolution of Nestle's Institutional Configuration

Antonio García de Castro| Rocío Reina Paniagua
In 2005, a great stir was generated at the Nestlé General Shareholders' Meeting due to the announcement of the proposal by the Board of Directors for the reelection of Peter Brabeck as CEO of the company and at the same time his appointment as Chairman of the Board, showing thus a person both charges. Nestlé had to rethink the rules of the game in the Corporate Governance of the Company, adapting to the changes demanded by its shareholders and the environment in general. Nestlé was faced with several challenges: reviewing the rights of shareholders, the structure and operation of the Board and its Committees, the Chairman of the Board and the CEO, etc. In 2017 Brabeck will leave his position as Chairman when he turns 72, who will be his successor?


Food Top Management Board Directors General Management Multinational Policy


Company Policy










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