During the IInd Edition of the AD-S Program almost fifty participants learned the essential tools to deal effectively with the changes that characterize the sector

On this occasion, San Telmo Business School counted with the presence of the Minister for Health and Family of the Andalusian Regional Government, Jesús Aguirre, for the closing ceremony and delivery of certificates to the participants. Along with him, they took part: Antonio Hidalgo, Secretary General of San Telmo Business School; Javier Delgado, Director of the Senior Health Management Program; Juan José Afonso Rodríguez, General Director of Hospital of San Juan de Dios religious order; Antonio García Antrás, Class President and Executive Director of López Cano Medical Group; as well as the Secretary General of ASPE, Carlos Rus, as Class Vice President.

The Senior Health Management Program has the essential support from its Advisory Council, which recommends and guides the school on issues that the leading companies in the Health Ecosystem are struggling with. Thus, through this program, this training offers responds to the main challenges and opportunities facing today the top management in the sector.
The companies that are part of this Council are: Asisa, Aspe, Hospital of Fatima, Fujifilm, the Ministry of Health and Family of the Andalusian Regional Government, the Hospital of San Juan de Dios religious order in the Betica Province and Quirónsalud.

Almost a hundred participants have gained a global vision in all management areas of healthcare institutions during the eight months program. Most of them are managers and heads of hospital services, both public and private, and from others sectors as pharmaceutical, insurance, benefit society, etc. The program has covered from the institutional configuration and its impact on the institutional strategies, the optimization (clinical and economic), the design, implementation and execution of the strategic service management until operations, integrating the different levels of patient care, communication, risk management, as well as the evaluation and improvement of people.