The presentation of the IX Edition of "Who is Who", in the business directory published by Diario SUR together with San Telmo Business School, looks different this year due to the consequences of Covid-19, since most of the already habitual attendees have to connect online through the Zoom platform. Simultaneously, the face-to-face event took place in the gardens of the Malaga headquarters, although with a limited capacity of about 50 people.

On the other hand, the director of the newspaper Diario SUR, Manuel Castillo, spoke of the importance of adapting to the new situation owing to the health crisis by claiming that: “If teleworking has taught me something, it is the importance of collective. Being together and working together. Which needs to be valued ”and he assured“ that Malaga is ready ”.
The keynote lecture was given, as in previous years, by the professor of socioeconomic environment Fernando Faces. On this occasion, he began by saying that "the current crisis has only accelerated trends." The pending matters for years are teleworking, digitalisation, unemployment and health. Therefore, he stated that in order to face the future it is necessary to have a previous realistic diagnosis, "because a poor analysis can lead to bad decisions." According to Professor Faces, it is important for institutions to reach consensus, because administrations have always had a tremendous impact on the economy especially these circunstances and he considers that civil society cannot look the other way. He also highlighted the bravery of giants such as Caixabank (sponsor of “Who's Who”) for its merger with Bankia, pointing out that these are the risky actions which must be taken in order to survive nowadays situation.
Lecture was followed by the delivery of the recognition to Prolongo on its 200th Anniversary, which was collected by Ramón Soler Ciurana, director of Exports of the company, and who dedicated the award to the employees of the company, which has a turnover of 250 million euros and exports to 25 countries around the world.
The mayor, Francisco de la Torre, ended the IX Edition of "Who is Who" with the speech about the importance of adapting to the current situation in which he underlined "You have to learn to coexist successfully with the virus. The world has to make a greater effort in innovation" and regarding the organizers of the event he confirmed that San Telmo Business School and Diario SUR are two examples of an advanced democratic society.
The event ended without the traditional cocktail afterwards, but the attendees enjoyed a gift from Cerveza Victoria, one of the collaborators of the evento, along with Grant Thornton; as well as the paper magazine.