Today was the opening session of the Pymex Program of San Telmo Business School. In the face of the continuous changes that we are experiencing, a select group of managers and entrepreneurs have chosen to invest in training. In both headquarters of the school of Malaga and Seville, San Telmo will accompany them during several months for successfully facing the future.
The PYMEX Program develops their management, planning and strategic decision-making skills in order to provide them with criteria and tools and, therefore, it will improve their daily work and place their future growth on solid foundations.
This is demonstrated not just for the students that pass through their classrooms, mostly first-class businesspeople, but also for what they say about their lived experience, as they agree to the same thing: months of great personal and human enrichment, hard work and team work, eagerness to improve, friendships forever and exceeded expectations.

Innovating and adapting to the new normal is crucial for businesses, as well as anticipating and seeing opportunities. Investment in technology and training are essential in the current strategy to provide value service, improve processes to gain business profitability and generate more wealth for the business and society.

In this environment, those small and large companies that react and diversify their businesses will emerge and will suffer the fewer losses due to the current crisis.

At San Telmo we know the new business environment being creating thanks to continuous contact with businesspeople and managers and, therefore, we keep providing excellent service to C-suite and senior executives, always updating the content of the sessions and renovating them according to the challenges faced by businesses in every moment.