Businesses’ Human Rights Responsibility

Málaga 02 de Diciembre de 2019 Hora: 17:45h

Sesión en inglés sin traducción simultánea

What are human rights? We´ll have the opportunity to talk about Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 3-Generations of Human Rights: Civil-Political rights, Socio-economic rights, and Collective-Developmental right.

We´ll can also reflex about the following questions: how are human rights relevant for companies? Aren’t states primarily responsible for human rights? What are businesses supposed to do to prevent negative impacts on human rights? Mr Dewan will manage a debate about various internationally recognized human rights and how businesses can impact them. Finally he´ll show a BHRR implementation 3-pillar framework: Protect, Respect, Remedy.



Prof. Bhushan Dewan. Ex vicepresidente de Business Excellence de Tata Consultancy Services

Cómo llegar

San Telmo Business School
Av. Carlos de Haya, 165 29010 Málaga