The Global Leadership Programme works towards bringing together the world's leading entrepreneurs, politicians, and senior managers in an orderly forum for strategic reflection focused on the current global context. The GLP aims to help them consolidate their companies and institutions and make them the engines of future economic growth.
In a constant and increasing acceleration of competitive pressure, it is necessary to reflect with open-minded leaders interested in impactful organizations and passionate about the world we live, in how to deal with the challenges of the post-covid era: innovation, talent orientation, growth, and how to achieve excellence in a global environment.
In this module we return to Switzerland where we will continue the conversations that started in the last modules with the introduction of new topics such as creating shared values, the new post COVID era, delighting customers and the difficult task of decision making and uncertainty management.
Rte de Saint-Maurice 54, 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz, Suiza