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The Chair

The San Telmo Foundation believes in diversity and the specific and distinctive contribution of women and men to the co-creation of society: institutions, companies and families.

The Chair of Women, Business and Society was born in 2016 with the following objectives:

  • To encourage women participation in management and decision-making positions in companies.
  • To work with those people who are in management positions in institutions, companies and media to sensitize on the importance of co-creation by women and men for the society, and the value added by promoting women’s contribution to management.
  • To raise the visibility of women entrepreneurs and in leadership roles to have examples, references and good practices. Academic research reveals that the presence of women in senior positions contributes to attract and retain female talent.
  • To implement effective policies and procedures in companies to facilitate that women and men make a valuable contribution at professional, personal and family level.


To increase women’s participation in senior management positions, driving business growth and social awareness

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In the field of research, it is proposed to raise awareness of the role of women in senior management by creating and using teaching material such as case studies, technical notes, reports and articles.

Training activities

Training activities

In the training field, it is proposed to organize meetings, case studies presentations, round tables, continuity programs and workshops.

Promotion and networking

Promotion and networking

It is intended to be a voice, an opinion leader, on issues related to the participation of women in management positions, participating in the open debate in society, providing academic rigor and contrasting stories of success from other countries.

Consejo Asesor

Meet some of the members of the Chair's Advisory Board

Olga Martín Torres
Zone Director
AXA Seguros
Clinic Vision
Caixa Bank

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