José Manuel Cansino Muñoz-Repiso

Associate Professor of Business Policy.

Licenciado y Doctor en Economía por la Universidad de Sevilla. Diplomado en Alta Dirección de empresa (AD-1) por San Telmo Business School.

He furthered his studies at the Center for Monetary and Financial Studies (CEMFI) of the Bank of Spain, at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at the University of Lund (Sweden), and at Universidad Autónoma de Chile.

He has published more than 50 scientific articles in leading international journals and participated in 6 international books collectively. He has published 4 teaching books.

He belongs to the Economic Theory and Political Economy research group and is a responsible researcher of the Chair of Energy and Environmental Economics at the University of Seville since its creation in 2011, now sponsored by Red Eléctrica de España.

He has been co-director of the research project Claves para Desacoplar Crecimiento y Emisiones de CO2 en España del Plan Estatal 2013-2016 Proyectos I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. He has also participated or participates in several national and international research projects. Among which it is worth mentioning his participation as a researcher in the project funded by the European Commission (Joint Research Center), the project "Car sharing services in Sweden and Spain. Market, environmental and behavioural insights" as well as member of the advisory committee of the project "Behavioural Economics for energy and climate change policies and the transition to a sustainable energy system" funded by ETH Zürich.

As a popularizer, he publishes every Wednesday a column in the Economics section of the digital newspaper El Debate. He is also a regular contributor to television and radio.

He is an advisor and consultant for several public and private institutions. He participates or has participated in projects or advisory work with the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, the Ministry of Education of Chile, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Ministry of Economy of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and the Andalusian Energy Agency.

De entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentran las publicadas en las revistas Applied Energy, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Energy y Journal of Cleaner Production.

De entre sus publicaciones más recientes se encuentran las publicadas en las revistas Applied Energy, Energy Policy, Energy Economics, Energy y Journal of Cleaner Production.

Entorno socioeconómico

Investigador de referencia de la Facultad de CC Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Sevilla en el 50 aniversario de su fundación, premio de excelencia docente otorgado por la Universidad de Sevilla, 2º premio de Energía ciudad de Sevilla (IV edición).


Areas of interest

  • Macroeconomics
  • Energy Economics
  • Evaluation of public policies